An exceptional setting

Le Parc National de Taï est l’un des plus grands vestiges de forêt tropicale primaire

A biodiversity hotspot

Biodiversity hotspot, Taï National Park The Taï National Park received its name from the town of Taï, located between the park and the Cavally River, which forms the border between Côte d’Ivoire and Liberia. Taï National Park includes 5364 km²…

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La culture est à l'honneur avec l'ethnie Oubi, qui vous en dévoile les différentes facettes à travers une soirée traditionnelle

Local culture

A rich and diverse cultural heritage Immerse yourself in the culture of Dao, Oubi and Kroumen in Côte d’Ivoire! Côte d’Ivoire has a rich cultural heritage with more than sixty ethnic groups; the Baoulé, the Bété, Gouro and the Dioula…

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